Former media aide to Ex- President Goodluck Jonathan has given Nigerian men signs to lookout for to know, wether the lady they are dating and want to marry is an asset or a liability.
According to him, any lady that exhibits the signs and character below should be avoided at all cost in order to attain full potential.
Read what he says below;
7 ways She Is a Liability, Not An Asset:
-After you date her, you must provide data for her
-If she needs to meet you, you must pay transport fare
-Your money goes to her hair, not her head
-Your account suffers setbacks on her birthdays
-She does not speak big grammar, but she has big drama
-She loves to eat out all the time
-She calls you stingy (serous red flag) if you don’t meet her material and financial demands
Young man flee for your life. You can never fulfil your potential with her by your side!
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