The Truth about Jesus, Jehovah: The Mistaken letter “J”

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“Jesus, “Jews”, “Jehovah” – How can ancestral people and cultures contain such names starting with the letter J, if the “J” is an “invention” of the Middle Ages?

The letters J, j and v are called RAMISTS because they were created by “Petrus Ramus” in the 15th century (Pierre de la Ramée; 1512-1572). The “biblical” names taught today, which in Hebrew begin with the letter “Y” (Yod) have been adulterated and replaced by the letter “J”; doing this the translators (copyist monks of the Catholic Church) modified not only the writing, but also and mainly the phonetics, that is the basis for the transliterations, which is the adaptation of the pronunciation and the written graphisms, in accordance with the original pronunciation of a name in its native language.

We can quote as examples, the Hebrew name Yahushua or Yaohushua (depending on the pronounce), that was transformed into “Jesus”; the Hebrew people known in biblical times as the Yahudim (plural) and Yahud (singular) were transformed into the word “Jews”; and the Creator’s name coded in the Tetragrammaton (YHWH) or Yahuh or Yaohuh (depending on the pronounce) was transliterated as “Jehovah”.

This caused the biblical names known today in the western society, in no way to resembling the original pronunciation on Hebrew and Aramaic, being easy to see that the relationship of the original name with the supposed “transliteration” have been totally lost. The names of biblical characters and prophets also stray far away from the original names in Hebrew and Aramaic – the language spoken in the times of “Jesus” (Yaohushua).

This letter “J”, which also did not exist in Latin, is commonly referred to as a “Ramist letter”. The Renaissance-dated reformation by the scholar Petrus Ramus added the letters J and V. The J was originally an alternative version of the letter I. The distinction became evident from the Middle Ages onwards. Pierre (Peter) de la Ramée (c. 1515 – August 26, 1572) was the first to explicitly distinguish the letters I and J representing different sounds. Originally, these letters stood for /i/, /iiː/, and /j/; but the languages developed new sounds that came to be represented using the I and the J in different phonetics, hence the current distinction in the pronunciation of these two letters.

Linguists from Germany and Central Europe also used the J in some transliterations of Slavic languages using the Cyrillic alphabet. In particular, the “Е” in Russian is sometimes transliterated to “je”, the “Я” is transliterated to “ja” and the character “Ю” to “ju”.

As for the “J”esus of the Roman Catholic religious system and its “Protestant” variations, know that neither in Hebrew nor in Aramaic there is this letter “J”, therefore no name starting with “J”, in Galilee or even any place in the world, could exist at the time of “J”esus (Yaohushua), even because the letter “J” (from “J”esus, “J”ehovah, or even “J”ews or “J”udeans) had not been invented yet, being a result of the Middle Ages (Pierre de la Ramée – c. 1515 – August 26, 1572).

What is currently known as the “bible” is actually a compilation of texts chosen by the Romans over the centuries, which obviously leaves out several Hebrew writings that are fundamental to understanding the context and history of the Hebrew people (called Yahudim in Hebrew and not “Jews”), of the Creation and the Creator (YHWH), described in such manuscript texts, known as the Torah and the Tanakh, with the exception of the so-called Talmud, which is not part of the original writings of the Hebrew peoples (Old Testament) being a tradition (Kabbalah) that came from Babylon (Sumeria/Bavel).

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This (Roman) compilation (called Bible), full of adulterations and flaws in translation and transliteration, as the originals were first translated into Greek (back at the time of “Jesus”), then from Greek into Latin in the first centuries of the Catholic Church (which is nothing but the same pagan Roman Empire renamed as Catholic Church around 300AD, with the ancient Greek/Roman “gods” renamed as “saints” and the Emperor relabeled the “Pope” – or “Papa” in Latin); and later, in the Middle Ages the compilation made by the Pagan Roman Empire (Catholic Church) was translated into English by the hands of the 33 degree Freemason called Francis Bacon (known in the literature by the pseudonym William ShakeSpeare), with the help of “King James”; this became the “King James” version (KJV-1611), a translation made from the Latin texts (of the Roman Catholic Church) and not from the originals written in Hebrew and Aramaic.

This one being historically considered the “first” translation of the “Bible” into English, which is also a lie, as the first known translator was burned by the Catholic church at the stake years before, as he had made a direct translation from Hebrew and Aramaic, having distributed his manuscripts free of charge in England to the community, that act making him and all his manuscripts to be turned to ashes at stake in the hands of the so-called “holy Catholic Inquisition”.

As a matter of fact, the same Pagan Roman Empire (renamed “Roman Catholic Church” circa 300AD) is the same one that tortured and killed not only Yaohushua, true name of the messiah mentioned and recorded in the Hebrew scriptures, but also all the apostles, “canonized” (turned into “saints/idols” after death by their own executioners), where the same pagan Greek/Roman “gods”, were renamed and called by the names of the “saints” (those that the Roman Empire itself persecuted, tortured and killed along the centuries); so the Church of Rome is nothing but the same previous pagan idolatry, but now their ancient “gods” have “new names” (of martyrs and apostles – called “saints” after death) – this being the “quintessence” of their religion (idolatry of the “saints”, those who themselves tortured and killed).

The Roman Catholic Church is actually the continuation of the pagan Roman Empire, disguised as “Christ’s religion”, but without the “Christ” and with the Roman Emperor wearing the titles of the Most High (holy father), the “Pope” is crowned as the VICARIVS FILII DEI, which stands for the “SUBSTITUTE of the son of God”.

The letter “J” comes to disguise the language and make the truth inaccessible, hiding the name of the Creator (YHWH=Yahuh) and of His Anointed One (Yahushua), because after all, there was never a man named “J”esus in Galilee, and the Yahudim (renamed “Jews” to validate the farce) never called their “God” by the supposed name “Jehovah”, simply because the letter “j” does not even exist in Hebrew nor in Aramaic languages.

So, many historians rightly claim that “Jesus” never existed, as there is no historical records dated back to the ancient time with this name… and it is true, as his name was never “Jesus” – his name is abundantly recorded in its original form, Yahushua, which by the way also was a common name during his time in Galilee (around 2021 years ago).

The fact is this “Jesus” of the Catholic fakers never existed, but the man which is refereed as the Messiah (HaMashiach) did exist and there is abundant historical records about him, including in the Roman Empire, his name, according to the records, was Yahushua or Ye’shua in a tiny shorten form, made up to hide the Name of the Most High (Yahuh), present in his name, because the “Jews” never mention the Holy Name of the Most High (Yaohuh Ulhim) to strange Nations.

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Do your own research knowing that the initial step in this truth is to discover the letter “J”, to begin understanding this farce called “J”esus, created by the Roman Catholic Church, which is nothing more than the same Roman Empire disguised as “saint” after killing the Messiah (Yahushua) in a pact with the authorities of the “Jews” (Yahudim) of that time, fulfilling the prophecies of Isaiah (another deliberately erroneous transliteration, as his name was YeshaYahu) referring to the anointed, who would be rejected among his own people (see Isaiah/YeshaYahu 53).

But that’s not all, this fake Catholic “Jesus” is a two-sided Roman coin – on the other side we have “Lucifer”, the other part of this decoy, this one created in the year 1611 by the “Roman Catholic Freemasonry” – the group of espionage and infiltration of the “church” – creating an “opposer” to the Most High through the work of the King James of England (a 33 degree Freemason as his helper in translations, Francis Bacon, as mentioned above) in his Latin Vulgate translations, thus completing the coin of fraud:

The Catholic “J”esus on the one hand and the so-called “Lucifer” of Roman Catholic Freemasonry on another (“divide and conquer” is their motto, always using duality to better control the masses).

Lucifer is an attribute or adjective in Latin language and means “bright” or “brilliant”, that is an adjective (not a name) and it was purposely left untranslated on the English “Bible” giving rise to this supposed name “Lucifer”, which in the original Hebrew is “Heilel” and in Greek it is “Phosphorus” – adjectives of “brightness” left untranslated and taken entirely out of context in Isaiah/YeshaYahu 14, whose passage is a conversation between the prophet and the king, and has no reference whatsoever to any supposed fallen angel called “Lucifer”.

Lucifer = Nothing but one of the many frauds made by the Roman Catholic Freemasonry (which is a great fraud by itself); being a group of spies, murderers, forgers, bankers and moneylenders (etc) working secretly for the “Papacy of Rome”.

“J”esus and Lucifer, are both fraud… both were created by the Roman Catholic Church (a new name for the ancient pagan Roman Empire, the same pagan Empire who killed the Messiah on the tree/cross).

Here it is clear why they hid the original name of the Messiah in a pact between the Pharisees and the Romans, passing their scriptures from Hebrew to Greek and changing the names of the Most High by titles and adjectives (like Lord, which in Hebrew is Ba’al), simply to hide it from the people! Yaohushua is the name of the anointed one which means “salvation (shua) of Yaohuh” = YAOHU’SHUA. The word “Jew”, like “J”esus is a fakery created to hide the truth about the messiah and make “innocent” his executioners – because if that “Jesus” (false name) never existed, there is no crime/assassination!

In 325AC, The Roman Emperor changes his title to “pope” and calls himself the SUBSTITUTE (VICARIVS) of Christ (the same Christ who ROME in a pact with the “Jews” has killed, having also persecuted and killed, all his followers in the early church period).

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So here it is your “Anti-Christ” = the false “Christ” of Rome – the Papacy. The former ” Emperor of Rome”, now renamed as the “Pope” (Latin “Papa” meaning Father). In other words, the “assassin” (the Emperor of Rome) is now assuming the identity of the one that he killed (that is Christ, the Messiah).



The Roman Church is nowadays the “church of Christ without Christ”, with the Roman Emperor wearing the titles of the Most High (Holy Father) and supposedly assuming the PLACE of the Son of God on earth, and this is the very foundation of the so called “New World Order” (NWO).

The Anti-Christ will not come in the future, He will not be a worldly king, he will not be a president – the so-called “Anti-Christ” is the PAPAL CROWN (symbol of the Emperor of ROME, but under the title of “Pope” – the Papacy of Rome is the Fusion between the pagan religion, now called the “church” with the temporal power of the Roman Emperor [Caesaropapism]).

The “reign” of this “Anti-Christ” had begun (symbolically) at the death of the “anointed” (Yahushua), and it is fully manifested around the year 325AD, when the Roman Empire became the Roman Catholic Church, with (the false) conversion of Constantine, marking this transition with the Roman Emperor (self-entitled the “SUN” of Rome), Constantine I, at the council of Nicaea in 325AD assuming the Head of this new form of government, the Caesaropapism, now under the title of VICARIVS FILII DEI (Vicar* of the Son of God).

* vicar (masculine noun)

  1. the one who replaces another;
  2. religious, the one who, invested with the powers of another, exercises his functions in his name (Origin: ETIM lat. vicarĭum,ĭi – “the one who takes the place of another, the substitute”)

As we discussed above, the Vatican is the head of the so-called “New World Order” (NWO), which is nothing more than an (last) attempt to restore the ancient Roman Empire on this present day, through the secret activities and background performance of the Vatican’s “secret societies” (like the Freemasons, the knights of Malta and the Jesuit Order), infiltrated behind all the governments of the world; since the majority of politicians, bankers and world leaders of multi-national corporations are all sworn subjects of the Roman Papacy, due to their secret oaths with the Vatican’s Secret Societies into whom they are subjected to surrender their worldly power, social influence and crowd control on this final age.

13 These kings have one purpose:

to yield their power and authority to the beast.

14 They will make war against the Lamb,

and the Lamb will triumph over them,

because He is Lord of lords and King of kings;

and He will be accompanied

by His called and chosen and faithful ones.

– Revelation 17:13


The Vatican’s New World Order will fail

He that has an ear, let him hear what the spirit says to the congregation.



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