A newly admitted student of the University of Benin, simply identified as Famak Calculus has taken to the social media to narrate his experience as a fresher.
According to him UNIBEN is a nice place to be. He said despite the rumour making the round that the Institution is a difficult place to study, with his first week experience on campus he his now convinced that it is not true vowing to make a first class.
Read what he said
“It’s my first week in University of Benin and I enjoyed everything I’ve seen so far ….
“As a fresher I was scared when the staylites are saying Uniben is hard and difficult yen yen yen…
“So today I decided to go through all the courses I’ll be doing this semester and to my suprise I see nothing new all this staylites talking are just lazy students that are instilling fear in mind of freshers…
“I’ll start jacking as soon as possible and I know I’m gonna pass…
First Class is the target 💯💪…”
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