The video of a Ghanian spiritualist, Dr Nana Kwaku Bonsam is currently trending on social media.
In the video that has gone viral, the witchdoctor claimed he is reponsible for the death of Popular Nigerian Prophet ,TB Joshua by killing him in a spiritual battle.
According to him, he killed the prophet because the man of God was attacking him in the spirit after he accused him(TB Joshua) of killing Ghanian President.
The spiritualist claims to have also reported TB Joshua to the Roman Catholic Pope in Rome for permission to kill TB Joshua.
Nana Kwaku Bonsam says he is happy to have revenged the death of his president by killing the man of God Prophet TB Joshua.
Nana Kwaku Bonsam has been fighting Prophets, Pastors and many men of God from Nigeria accusing them of being liars, deceivers and using magic to perform miracles in the name of God to enrich themselves.
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